While headphones are the premier device for listening to music in the best possible quality, some do not enjoy wearing the rather bulky device for a prolonged time. This is where earbuds come into play. Earbuds do lack in overall sound quality but do not mistake it as an inferior listening device. On the contrary, earbuds can still manage to provide some of the best sound production, albeit not in the league of what headphones can deliver.
Earbuds and IEMs are both great options for listening. However, IEMs are considerably more complex than earbuds. They use different combinations of driver types such as Dynamic drivers and Balanced Armature.
Additionally, IEMs have a higher performance ceiling compared to earbuds. This is mostly why manufacturers have moved away from earbuds.
If you prefer wearing earbuds rather than headphones, then it is essential for you to distinguish the difference between IEM (in-ear monitor) and traditional earbuds. Knowing the difference between the two will help you determine which portable listening device is best suited for your taste.
Earbuds vs. IEMs
Earbuds: Advantages & Disadvantages
Similar to the IEM in design but with a few tweaks here and there, the most noticeable difference is with how the earbuds are worn. IEM headsets are placed deeper into the ear while the earbud can be worn just outside of the ear canal.
This gives the earbud a slight advantage when it comes to overall comfort. For individuals who prefer not to have something jammed into their ear while also finding headphones to be a bit bulky, the earbud is the middle ground you are looking for.
Earbuds are also the default headsets that come with smartphones and MP3 players. They are also a dime a dozen in electronic stores, with some being priced below the $20 price bracket. Of course, there are high-end earbud/earphones out there as well for audiophiles to truly sink their teeth into.
High-end earbuds offer incredible sound quality that can rival what headphones can bring to the table. However, take note that no earbud or IEM will be able to meet the sound quality that a high-grade headphone can deliver.
Earbuds also come in a single size. This means you won’t need to browse through several items to find the right fit for you. Earbuds come with a one size fit all deal which makes choosing one relatively easier and faster compared to IEM.
Earbud Pros:
- When it comes to earbud advantages, you will notice several similarities with the IEM. For starters, they are both quite portable, compact, and can be worn discreetly.
- Earbuds are usually the default headsets included for free in most media devices. Expect earbuds to be one of the most budget-friendly portable listening options for music lovers.
- Some earbuds come with wireless features, which further help improve comfort and convenience as you will not need to contend with wire tangle problems.
- Earbuds are designed to fit everyone, which translates to better comfort from the get-go when compared to IEM headsets.
Earbud Cons:
- Earbuds fall short when it comes to producing top-of-the-line sound quality. Don’t expect it to reach the quality that high-end headphones can provide.
- Similar to the IEM, earbuds are located near the ear canal and eardrums. Playing music at high levels can cause damage to your eardrums and lead to some form of hearing loss in the long run.
In-Ear Monitor: IEM Advantages & Disadvantages
In-ear monitors or IEM are significantly more compact compared to earbuds. This is due to their use of transducers and the way the listener wears them. The IEM is situated farther into the ear canal than traditional earbuds.
As they are placed more in-depth into the ear canal, comfort will be a primary concern for some. Fortunately, IEM circumvents comfort issues by utilizing various types of ear tips. You have the standard plug design, which features a cone shape, and the flange type that incorporates two or more layers of flaps.
IEMs will come in several sizes and variations of the ear tip and are made from soft silicone material. This allows for a better premium fit for the user. Keep in mind that the fit of the IEM on the ear will be a significant factor in its sound quality.
IEM that offers the perfect fit for your ear will be able to provide an excellent bass response and balanced mid to high frequencies. How the IEM fits in your ear should be one of your primary concerns when choosing the right one at your local store.
One example of a basic IEM is the KZ ZSN. It is one of the best budget IEMs at the moment. It provides excellent ergonomic comfort and sound quality with its high-fidelity armature driver that can produce HD sound and impressive levels of clarity.
IEM Pros:
- IEM is easy to come by at your local electronic stores and is quite affordable as well.
- High-end IEM products can deliver excellent sound quality that is on par or even greater than some earbuds.
- There are customized IEMs available that offer incredible comfort, even when worn for a prolonged period.
- IEM headsets come with several accessories that improve the comfort and listening options available for the wearer.
IEM Cons:
- Standard IEM headsets that you will encounter might provide a low level of comfort when worn. Cheaper models will use more inexpensive materials, which might cause discomfort.
- To optimize the listening experience, users must pick the right ear tip size. This might require a couple of trials and errors to determine, which is a bit of a hassle, truth be told.
- As ear tips are detachable, the risk of losing them or having them accidentally slip off of the IEM is a likely scenario down the line.
- Ear tips are susceptible to wear and tear. You will need to replace the ear tips regularly, which means additional cost.
- As it is located near the eardrums, using IEM on higher sound volume can cause long-term damage to hearing.
Conclusion – IEM or Earbuds? Which Should I Choose?
Both IEM and earbuds are pretty identical and will likely confuse the layman. Each appears the same, and both can provide the same quality sound. It all boils down to how you prefer to wear your headset. IEM requires you to place it just around the inner ear canal, while earbuds are comfortable to stay a bit on the outside.
Of course, sound quality will always be the primary determining factor. As long as you are comfortable wearing it and the sound quality is good enough for you, then either variation will be the right choice.